June 3, 2019 8:12 pm
WOMEN’S CLUB BOOK OF THE MONTH: If Jesus suddenly appeared to you, would you have the courage to drop everything and follow Him— but only if He answered your questions? Join the Ladies Book Club this sum-mer as we read what happens when a 15 year-old boy does just that in The Boy Who Met Jesus: Segatashya Emmanuel of Kibeho by Immaculée Ilibagiza. Read this amazing journey of faith as this young man walks with Jesus and receives the answers to his questions for eight years. Then, come discuss this deeply touching and insightful book on Sunday, June 9th from 3:30-5pm at Kohl’s Hall. Please rsvp to kmontana05@gmail.com, and The Boy Who Met Jesus can be found just around the corner at the San Marco Bookstore. Happy reading!