Youth Ministry at Assumption Catholic Church

Welcome! Youth ministry at Assumption encompasses 5th grade through 12 grade. The high school program is Life Teen and Edge is for middle school.

Sunday Youth Nights are for Edge (5th-8th grade only) and Life Teen (all high school teens).

5th grade students are invited to join us in the second half of the school year beginning January 7.

If you would like to stay up to date on everything happening within our AYM: community, email Jennifer to be added to our email list:

Youth Nights take place after the 5pm Mass on Sundays during the school year. We eat dinner together and then split up to play and pray together until 8:15pm.

Youth Nights Will Resume in the Fall: Schedule will be Posted by August

Our school year of youth nights has come to a close and our summer is upon us.  We would like to, once again, thank our amazing core team for coming out each week to walk with our parish youth on their faith journey.  It is no small task and we could not do it without each and every one of you. 

Congratulations to all our graduates, both 8th grade and high school!  We will be praying for you through the summer and through the next events in your lives.  We are so encouraged by the faith we see you share in your relationships with one another and we are hopeful that you will continue to be beacons of Christ’s light to all those you meet.

We need You! Please consider volunteering.

Summer Programs – Payments & Paperwork Due May 15

All summer events are now full. Covecrest and Steubenville have waitlists, but Servants Heart Camp and Urban Plunge do not due to existing waitlists from other parishes. Visit the linked page for details on our summer programs and to check current registrations. Payment and paperwork deadline: May 15. Email for submissions or inquiries.

Youth Ministry Wish List

Supporting the teens in our parish is crucial, and we’re reaching out to you for assistance. Check out our pages below for our Wish List, providing specific needs for teens to attend events throughout the year and summer beyond what Bayou Bash provides. Also, learn about our Money Wall, covering transportation costs for our summer programs.

Please share this with friends and help us help our young people! Thank you for all of your support.

There are many ways to volunteer with the youth ministry program and even more ways to support, but we ask anyone who visits this site or has an interest in the young church to pray for them! Pray for us! Pray for the ministry!

Provide a Meal↗

Every youth night we begin with a meal in Jordan Hall after Mass. Would you like to help feed our teens? Please sign up!

Bayou Bash 2025

This is your opportunity to raise funds for any and all programs you’d like to participate in including camp, plunge, and more by selling tickets/sponsorships and working this event! Click the link to find out more.

Follow Us ↗

We also have many ways to stay connected, virtually, through our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Jennifer Kollasch is the director of youth ministry for the parish. Email her at or call x.521

Kaitlyn Dedek is the coordinator for Middle School youth ministry for the parish. Email her at

Visit our Youth Ministry programs below.

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