Introduction To The Parish Financial And Statistical Report

The Parish Finance Council is pleased to provide the Annual Financial and Statistical Report of Assumption Catholic Church for fiscal 2022-2023. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the financial health and performance of our parish community. This report is a testament to our commitment towards transparency, accountability, and responsible stewardship.

Within these pages, you will find itemized information on the financial activities and expenditures that have taken place over the past year. We have compiled data on revenue streams, including donations, fundraising events, grants, and other sources of income that support our parish’s mission.

Moreover, this report goes beyond finances by presenting key statistical data about our parish’s membership trends. It offers insights into factors such as number of registered households and individuals, number of children enrolled at both of our schools, sacraments administered throughout the year, and more. These statistics help us gauge the impact of our efforts in nurturing a vibrant faith community.

As we embark on this journey through numbers and figures together, we hope that this report fosters trust among our parishioners while providing a transparent snapshot of how your contributions are being utilized for the greater good of all.

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