December 3, 2024 3:00 pm
iGiveCatholic is TODAY, and we are asking you to join us in our efforts to provide learning materials and curriculum support to bring our students outdoors!
If you have already participated during the Advanced Giving phase, THANK YOU! Your generosity means so much to us. If you haven’t made your gift yet, here’s what you can do to help:
• Make a donation of $10 or more online at any of these three links HERE
Assumption ECLC:…/assumption…
Assumption Catholic School:…/assumptioncatho…
Youth Ministry:…/assumptioncc
• Bring a cash or check donation of any amount to our office.
• Spread the word. Text a friend. Forward this email. Post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram tagging us @AssumptionECLC and @iGiveCatholic — or just use the hashtag #iGiveCatholic! Oh, and you can also just tell someone in person – that works, too.
Thank you in advance for your support!