Assumption Women’s Club
Below is a brief overview of the current women’s circles at Assumption parish. Our women’s circles provide a supportive environment for women to connect, grow spiritually, and contribute to their communities. Through regular meetings, shared discussions, and engaging activities, Assumption’s Women’s Club circles are an amazing ministry that do so much to support our parish mission.
AWC President: Susan Heekin
Phone: 904-612-9508 Email:

St. Francis Circle
Established around 1994 by a group of young women and moms who attended at Assumption school as students. We named our circle after our beloved math teacher at Assumption, Sister Francis Assisium. One of our biggest contributions was hosting the Easter vigil reception for many years. We also donate money at Thanksgiving & Christmas to families in need at the school. This year we collected gifts for the women at St. Catherine Laboure nursing home. We have about 9 active members and enjoy talking about our grandchildren.
Karen Mauritz: 904-398-4848;
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton “SEAS”
Established in the early 1980’s by a group of young mothers, two who attended SEAS nursing school at St Vincent’s Hospital. Over the years the circle has provided 7 past AWC board presidents and numerous other office holders. There are countless bazaars, festivals, fashion shows, receptions, and luncheons that would appear under a list of activities/projects. You may have heard of our nickname, the “Bag Ladies”. Food collections for the community are done officially about 6 times a year in the parish, but our very generous parishioners bring groceries almost every week – in 2023 almost 7500 pounds of food was collected! We also organized and implemented the Gifts for Baby Jesus gathered on Christmas Eve and provide them to Emergency Pregnancy services, and we provided the first intercessory prayer book. We serve a meal for our Life Teen group at least once a year, with our members doing several on their own. We currently have 26 members and we meet in a member’s home on Thursday at 1pm at the beginning of the month.
Jeanne Bradburn: 904-477-8331,
Liz Hotchkiss: 904-651-2855,

St. Gianna Circle
Established in 2011. Our circle is compromised of 27 women celebrating the middle age season of life with ages spanning from 40’s to 60’s. The majority of members who have children ages middle school through young adulthood. We support the parish in many ways, with a heavy focus on our youth and the children/teens of the parish. We support the annual youth ministry fundraiser, and collect baby items for several women’s groups outside of the parish.
Our meetings are comprised of social time, prayer, reflection and discussion of parish support and are held one weeknight during the third week of the month. We open our homes to host the meetings but also have a Christmas social, a May social and a summer pilgrimage. We also try to find a special way to celebrate our patron saint, St Gianna, on or near her feast day, April 28th.
Jaime Medley: 904-662-2631;
Kristi Dennis: 904-704-3360;
Immaculate Mary Circle
Established in 2016. Our mission is to support the parish youth and to promote & increase their faith through the love of Our Lady. We provide meals for youth gatherings, one Steubenville scholarship for a student in need, & sponsor the confirmation retreat dinner. The average age of our members 40 years old and those who have children range in ages from preschool to middle school. We currently have 19 members and meet once a month at 7pm.
Josie Cowan: 904-228-9023,

St. Monica Circle
The newest circle at Assumption, which formed in 2022. We currently have 13 young women and mothers whose focus is serving the parish while creating a lasting bond of sisterhood and friendship. Our average age range is 25-35 and those of us who have children age from newborn to preschool ages. Meeting times are once a month on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the San Marco area.
Kalee Adair: 904-318-4776;