Our Clergy

Very Rev. Jason Trull, V.G., V.F.
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Rev. Sebastian Musa
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Rev. Mike Elias
Phone: (904) 398-1963
Our Deacons

Deacon Dale Tatum
Phone: (904) 398-1963
Church Office Staff

Dianna Hinschberger: Parish Administrator
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Laura Ogin: Parish Bookkeeper
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Patti Kracunas: Parish Secretary
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Kaitlyn Dedek: Public Relations/Edge Coordinator
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Jennifer Kollasch: Director of Youth Ministry
Phone: (904) 398-1963 ext 521

Matthew Schmidt: Stewardship/Development; OCIA
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Robert Waddell: Organist/Music Director
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Sylvia Doan: Receptionist
Phone: (904) 398-1963

Michelle Oweis: Event Coordinator/Scheduler
Phone: (904) 318-6288
Our Office Staff
Email: assumption@assumptioncatholicchurch.org
Pastoral Ministry/Outreach | Deacon Dale Tatum | (904) 398-1963 | |
Parish Administrator / Assistant to the Pastor | Dianna Hinschberger | (904) 398-1963 | |
Parish Secretary | Patti Kracunas | (904) 398-1963 | |
Receptionist | Sylvia Doan | (904) 398-1963 | |
Scheduler | Michelle Oweis | (904) 318-6288 | |
Parish/ECLC Bookkeeper | Laura Ogin | (904) 398-1963 | |
Public Relations | Kaitlyn Dedek | (904) 398-1963 | |
School Principal | Maryann Jimenez | (904) 398-1774 | |
Vice Principal | Jennifer Jardine | (904) 398-1774 | |
Youth Ministry | Jennifer Kollasch | (904) 398-1963 ext 521 | |
Technology | Southern PC | (904) 398-1963 | |
School Bookkeeper | Tom Laubach | (904) 398-1774 x206 | |
Early Childhood Learning Center Director | Theresa Little | (904) 518-4880 | |
School and Religious Ministry | Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother | (904) 398-6355 | |
Religious Education | Servant Sister of the Home of the Mother | (904) 398-6355 | |
Stewardship/Development; RCIA | Matthew Schmidt | (904) 398-1963 ext 113 | |
First Penance / First Eucharist | Kelly Nance | (904) 398-1774 | |
Organist and Music Director | Robert Waddell | (904) 398-1963 | |
Head Sacristan | George Contois | (904) 386-6238 | |
Parish Council Chair | Desiree Bailey | (904) 398-1963 | |
School Advisory Board Chair | Sean Aldridge | (904) 398-1774 |