Feb. 21-23; Camp Kulaqua, High Springs, FL; all high school youth invited! This retreat has keynote talks, amazing music, time to play outside (lots), hiking, a zoo!, plenty of space to relax and renew, all the Sacraments you need, and lots of teens looking for the same thing you are!
Registration currently open and payments being accepted.
If you want to come, but can’t afford the total cost – don’t let that stop you from attending! Just talk to me.
Cost is $185. This includes lodging, meals, and conference fee. All payments should be made to Assumption Church with DYC written in the note.
We will leave on Friday, Feb. 21, by 4:45pm and return on Sunday, Feb. 23, by 2:30pm (prob much earlier).
We will carpool down and back. We may need one or two parents to assist with getting us there and back. Please let me know if you’re available to help and we will stipend for gas.
If interested, email me and I’ll send you the necessary paperwork as we draw nearer to the weekend.