Assumption Religious Education
Religious Education Classes:
The Assumption Religious Education classes are for all students from 1st – 8th grade who do not attend Catholic School or any student who has not received the sacrament of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation.
Classes are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:45pm. The first class will begin on September 11, 2024 with a mandatory parent meeting in the Church.
Sacramental Preparation Classes:
Children preparing for the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Confirmation need to attend a two-year catechetical program. A letter from the previous religious education program is required if your child did not attend Assumption last year and is registering at Assumption for their second year of preparation for a sacrament. For more information, please contact the Servant Sisters.
Registration forms for this year’s religious education classes can be found either online or at a table in the back of the Church, along with a $20 registration fee. Forms and payments are due by September 18th. Please be sure to click the button below to download a registration form or to learn more about how to register your child for class. If you are new to the Assumption program, please be sure to complete the registration process online.
For more information, visit the Religious Education website or contact the Servant Sisters.
Tel: (904) 398-6355 /
or the Parish secretary Tel: (904) 398-1963.