Join Us for Mpact: Middle School Day of Service, Saturday, March 22nd!
Registration is open for Mpact, a meaningful day of service designed for junior high school-aged teens and adult chaperones.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, March 22nd
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cost: $5 cash
Location: Assumption Catholic Church and Service Sites
Please be sure to pack a lunch!
Paperwork is required to participate. Please fill out and email to
Kick off the day with an inspiring keynote speaker who will discuss the importance of sharing our time, talent, and treasure with community organizations. Following the talk, teens will embark on a service project at one of our partnered organizations. They’ll have the opportunity to learn about each organization’s mission and its impact on the community. Some of our service sites include Sanctuary on 8th Street, City Rescue Mission, L’Arche House, Hope Therapy, and the Ronald McDonald House.
We will conclude the day with a prayer service at 2 p.m., where we will reflect on our experiences and send forth the teens with a spirit of service. Additionally, teens will be invited to return during the summer for our Servant’s Heart Camp, where they can engage in a full week of service at these same locations.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a difference while connecting with your peers! Register today, by emailing Ms. Jenn ( to secure your spot for a day filled with service, learning, and community spirit.
Paperwork is required to participate.
If you are an adult and would like to accompany your child, please contact Ms. Jenn and she will send you the adult paperwork required. You must be cleared through the Diocese (i.e. fingerprints, Protecting God’s Children, etc.).