January 13, 2019 5:44 pm
“The Bible – in the beginning” shows the greatest stories of the Old Testament which are brought to the screen with astounding scope and power in this international film which depicts the first 22 chapters of Genesis. This is a spectacular story of man’s creation, his fall, his survival and his indomitable faith in the future. From the film’s opening amidst cosmic chaos, to its lingering message of hope and salvation. The Bible stands as a monumental motion picture achievement. Legendary director John Huston lends his talents to create a movie of epic proportions. As usual Assumption’s Divine Mercy group will host showing this movie on Friday January 18th in Kohls Hall from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Snacks, popcorn, candy, pretzels, and refreshments will be served at no cost. Please call our rectory if you need babysitting for your children at 904-398-1963. We hope to see you on Friday January 18th 6 :30pm in Kohls Hall.