June 4, 2020 4:59 pm
Assumption now has a new system called My Own Church for updating your family information! Visit the on-line database ParishSoft https://staugustineaim.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/ to create an account and get started updating your information. Click on New User, enter a username and password. You will receive an approval within 24 hours.
Here are some of the advantages of using My Own Church:
Benefits for Assumption: Access to your updated contact information By updating your information for us, you’ll save our staff time and ensure that we’re able to contact you when we need to! Benefits for You: Ensure that your family, member, and contact information is correct Access the Assumption pictorial directory (and control what information on you and your family is available to other members) View your giving history
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to update your information—it’s a great help to your church staff and your church family!
If you have questions, please email or call Meg at the church office at 398-1963 or mviggiani@assumptionjax.org.