October 26, 2024 2:00 pm

Liturgical Living at Home for Families: November Edition is here! Thoughtfully written and put together by Lindsay Aldridge.

Feast days and liturgical traditions help our children experience the Faith in meaningful, everyday ways. In November, we start with All Saints’ Day on November 1, a Holy Day of Obligation where the kids can dress as their favorite saints and enjoy festive parties. On November 2, we observe All Souls’ Day by praying for the dead and making soul cakes, and we finish the month on November 27 with Christ the King Sunday, celebrating Jesus’ majesty with crafts or a King Cake.

At home, we reflect the liturgical season by keeping our altar green for Ordinary Time and hanging saint cards on the mantle, chanting litanies together each night. View our website for the full article: https://assumptioncatholicchurch.org/news-events/6993/

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