Liturgical Living At Home For Families: October Edition

Feast day and liturgical season traditions help our kiddos understand the Faith in their everyday space in their everyday life. The symbols and colors of the Church during each liturgical season can be brought home in many ways. Foods, activities, crafts, the options are vast.

*What season? Ordinary Time

*Home altar color? Green

Upcoming Feast Days:

October 2- Guardian Angels: Our guardian angels do so much for us, it makes sense we have a day to recognize them! You can recite the Guardian Angel prayer together, and perhaps have angel food cake.

October 7- Our Lady of the Rosary: An edible rosary to make this rosary recitation extra special for the kiddos, use whatever treats you happen to have in the pantry. In the past we’ve used: chocolate chips for the Our Fathers, cheerios for the Hail Marys, and mini marshmallows for the extra prayers at the beginning/end. They get to eat as they pray!

October 22- Pope JP II: A beloved pope most adults remember! As he was Polish…kielbasa, pierogis, or even kremówka would be lovely additions to the dinner table.

October 31- Halloween: Halloween, or more accurately, All Hallows Eve, is the first day of Hallowtide, which includes Oct 31-Nov 2. All Hallows Eve has very Catholic origins! That being said, we let the kids celebrate with a fun costume, going trick-or-treating, and discussing death as the Bible does (see the Hallowtide link above). But we do avoid celebrating anything to do with evil and the demonic. It leads us up to very good and holy celebrations in the following 2 Nov days.

Friendly heads up to get All Saints Day costumes ready as you prep Halloween costumes too! 

We are the Domestic Church!

Feel free to email me for any specifics, recipes, crafts, etc…Lindsay @

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