
Baptisms are typically held on the 3rd Sunday of the month or by appointment.

Families seeking Baptism should be registered members of the parish and are urged to begin preparation for this sacrament during the pregnancy.

Parents are asked to call the church office to make their desire known for their child’s Baptism.   They are asked not to make any definite arrangements for a date prior to this call.  Parents will be interviewed by a member of the parish staff, and they will attend a meeting regarding the sacrament.  This is a required one-night Preparation Session.

Baptism preparation sessions are held every six to eight weeks.   Please call the Church Office for the schedule.


Saturdays: 2:30 PM to 3:45 PM

Sundays:  9:00 AM – 9:55 AM

Anyone wishing to receive this sacrament at other times may make an appointment with one of the priests.  Please call the Church Office.


Registered members must contact the Church Office  at least 8 months in advance of the tentative wedding date. Couples are asked to attend one of the following Diocesan programs.

Registration is mandatory:  Jax Precana or Engaged Encounter.

To register for the program call the Family Life Office at 904-551-2619
or register online at

One of the Couple need to be a member of the Parish.

Anointing the Sick

Two communal Anointings are held each year. Please check the calendar for dates. The sacrament is also available when the need arises, i.e., before surgery or at the beginning of a serious illness. Call the Church Office at least one day prior to the morning on which you wish to be anointed. For emergencies or special circumstances call the Parish Office, (904)-398-1963

The Anointing of The Sick is administered to bring spiritual
and even physical strength during an illness,
especially near the time of death.
It is meant to prepare the dying person’s soul for death,
by providing absolution for sins by penance,
sacramental grace and prayers for the relief of
suffering through anointing, and the final administration of the Eucharist,
known as “Viaticum”, which is Latin for “with you on the way.”

A sacrament is an outward sign established by Jesus Christ to confer inward grace.
In more basic terms, it is a rite that is performed to convey God’s grace to the recipient,
through the power of the Holy Spirit.


OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is the process whereby one becomes a full member of the Catholic Faith.

Who can join OCIA?

  • Any non-Catholic individual seeking to become a member of the Catholic Faith.
  • Any Catholic individual who has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation.
  • Any individual, Catholic or non-Catholic, who would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith.

There are many persons who have practiced the Catholic faith of his/her spouse for years but have never made a formal profession of faith in the Catholic Church. Consider reaching out to the Church to inquire about the process of becoming a Catholic.

Please contact Matthew Schmidt to inquire about OCIA or if you have any questions about the Catholic Faith:

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