February 11, 2023 3:00 pm
Have you bought your tickets for Youth Stock yet? This is our annual youth ministry fundraiser to help offset the cost of summer programming for our teens and this year’s theme is Youth Stock, a 70s themed party inspired by Woodstock! There will be amazing food, an open bar, one of the city’s top DJ’s and an open dance floor!
This weekend you will hear from one of our teens share about how they encountered Christ and the immense impact this fundraiser will have. We will have teens selling tickets after all of the Masses as well!
Even if you can’t attend the event, please consider purchasing tickets for someone else or sponsoring the event. All funds raised go directly to our young people and they need your support!
Sponsorship information and where to purchase tickets can be found on our webpage (or you can purchase tickets after Mass this weekend): https://assumptioncatholicchurch.org/ministries/youth-ministry/youth-stock/
Thank you for your support and please pray for our young people as they prepare for a summer full of encounters with our Lord!